Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Day of Class

Tae Bo Begins

My first thoughts were: this is a BIG room and what is Tae Bo. Then I wondered where is Chuck Norris and how come there are only girls (no guys except for our instructor---that is a pretty good gig for the instructor). So I am ready to punch and kick anything within a 5 foot radius of me, but instead we did stretching. Hopefully, if I am trying to defend myself, the attacker will wait until I am done stretching. OK, now I am really ready to punch and kick, but we do squats with dumb bells. Not just a couple, but around 2000 or at least it seemed like it. Am I going to throw the dumb bells at the attacker? Finally, after all of us are nearing exhaustion and dripping with sweat, we start to punch---how come no kicking? But we are only punching the air--not a lot of resistance with an "air attacker." At this point, I realize that I am not understanding Tae Bo, but I know that eventually the instructor will say, "Throw away your dumb bells and punch and kick, even if you don't know what Tae Bo means."

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